Campus Beautification Committee met here at the new campus under the chairmanship of Prof. Dr. N.B. Jumani (Vice-president, AF&P).

The committee reviewed the agenda items in the light of direction and vision of the IIU President Dr. Hathal Homoud Al-otaibi who is keen to implement the action to make IIU a leading hub of learning as well as he has given the task to committee to make this campus as unique and exquisite as its lofty goals are.

The meeting was also joined by Vice President Academics Prof. Dr. Ayaz Afsar, Nasir Farid Convener of the committee (In-charge P&PR), Abdullah Jazi Aldossari , Additional Director (President Office) , Al-Hassan, Assistant Director P&PR and other relevant officials.

The committee while reviewing the agenda recommended that training for the Naib Qasids shall be arranged on June 22nd and 23rd in which they shall be trained for their official duty, manners and overall behavior. It was decided that two batches shall be made for this purpose and each batch shall be comprised of 30 employees.

The committee also reviewed development on the renovation of the council hall amd recommended that the desired repairing and renovation be made at earliest.

The committee discussed matters related to security beef up at the university gates as well as the boundary wall of the university. The committee desired that vigilance be ensured across the campus. Discussing the Horticulture related matters, the committee directed the concerned officials to follow the given instructions and ensure completion of tasks with improvement as soon as possible. The committee also recommended that the service department shall ensure the waste management at the faculty.

The committee also recommended that a letter shall be written to CDA about the correction in the name of IIU on the sign board installed at Srinagar Highway. In addition, the Projects and planning department was also given a task to identify a place for a swimming pool for the students. Advisor P&P was also assigned a task to form a committee for supervision of the building of the university. The chair and the members also discussed follow up agenda items and desired that expedite work be ensured on the given tasks.