Prof. Dr. Muhammad Sarwar   VP-AF

Acting President / Vice President (Administration and Finance),
International Islamic University, Islamabad – PAKISTAN
Phone Office:  (+92-51) 051-9258060
Email: [email protected]


  Prof Dr. Abdul Raheman   VP-HSR

Vice President (Academics)
International Islamic University, Islamabad – PAKISTAN
Phone Office:  (+92-51) 9258074
Email: [email protected]


  Prof Dr. Ahmed Shuja Syed   VP-HSR

Vice President (Research & Enterprise),
International Islamic University, Islamabad – PAKISTAN
Phone Office:  (+92-51) 9258055, 9258074
Email: [email protected]

  Dr Ahmed Shuja Syed is responsible for Higher Studies and Research in the university. Earlier, he served as Vice President (Academics). He is also founding Executive Director, Centre for Advanced Electronics & Photovoltaic Engineering. He is the Principal Investigator of Islamic Development Bank’s Funded International Research Grants, namely, Advanced Electronics Laboratories Project and Photovoltaic Energy Engineering Labs. He remained the Proponent & Focal Point of US Department of Energy’s Users Facility Access Agreement with International Islamic University and Govt. of Pakistan’s PSDP support grant to the Centre.  
  Prof. Shuja is also Visiting Professor at James Watt School of Engineering at University of Glasgow, UK. Prof. Shuja holds MS and Ph.D. in Electrical & Electronic Engineering from Sweden and UK; respectively. Besides serving abroad during his professional career; he previously remained the Dean of Faculty of Engineering & Technology at IIU, Islamabad and Executive Director of Centre for Emerging Sciences, Engineering & Technology, Islamabad. Currently; He is also the Member Board of Governors of various universities in Pakistan as well as Life-time Member of Pakistan Engineering Council. Dr. Shuja developed a pioneering teaching and research program, in Pakistan, in the area of Advanced Electronics in 2007. Dr. Shuja’s research group studies the engineering of circuits, devices & systems for next-generation electronics/optoelectronics, sensing, energy and photonics applications with cross-disciplinary convergence. The Centre, originated and developed by Dr. Shuja is home to over 350 scientific projects with world-class research facilities including Pakistan’s first Class-100 clean room facility for the development of micron- and sub-micron devices. As guest scientist and visiting professor, Dr. Shuja maintained very close collaborative linkages with some of the world’s most renowned scientific facilities including the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Department of Energy, USA. The Higher Education Commission of Pakistan has also highlighted Dr. Shuja’s contributions in its official newsletters in February 2011, May 2015, August 2016 and April 2019. Dr. Shuja instituted and chaired several international conferences and national workshops in Pakistan and had been a plenary/keynote speaker in numerous national and international conferences and colloquia.

Dr. Shuja has led tangible projects developing both physical and academic infrastructures, facilities, departments, faculty, Centres etc. covering the financial, strategic and planning aspects. With a track record of winning several competitive projects funded both on national and international level; Dr. Shuja has supervised over 60 graduate (MS and PhD) students and published over 100 international research communications including the book chapters, impact-factor journal papers and peer-reviewed international conference proceedings. Dr. Shuja is also a member of various national level fora and has a track record of working closely with national and international bodies for the initiation, approval, execution and accreditation of institutions, academic and research programs, and devising the policies and strategies in the Science and Technology arena. Besides several other high level national committees; being part of the National Steering Committee on Pakistan Science Foundation’s PSDP projects as well as Department of S&T of KPK Government; Dr. Shuja played an active role in defining the future directions of S&T funding and creation of impactful knowledge in Pakistan.


Vice President (Female Campus),
International Islamic University, Islamabad – PAKISTAN
Phone Office:  (+92-51) 9258023
Email: [email protected]