The PhD program at the Faculty of Management Science is structured to cater the increased need of research in the country. The program is designed with 54 credit hours in total with a planned duration of 3 years. A balance with respect to methodologies and research orientation (quantitative and qualitative) is sought through this program. Course work consists of 18 credit hours, while thesis consists of 36 credit hours.
To promote theoretical and applied research that can help us to solve the business problems of the society at large
To pursue theoretical and applied research by creating active collaboration with business, academia, government and the development sector.
Core Values:
Transparency, Openness, Societal Impact
Program Objectives
To develop:

  1. Advance level of understanding about philosophy of science and how it relates to research methodologies in business
  2. Advance level of comprehension about research methods in business
  3. Refresh the balance orientation in research methodologies with respect to qualitative and quantitative research methodologies
  4. Students’ higher level of analytical skills
  5. Higher level of comprehension in academic writing.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of his/her degree, a student should be able to:

  1. Professionally describe philosophy of science and how it relates to research method in business
  2. Confidently explain research methodologies in business – both quantitative and qualitative
  3. Express reasonable level of critical opinion on others’ research work
  4. Write with higher level of clarity, comprehension and more in an argumentative way
The program will develop a higher level of research and writing orientation among the students by focusing on philosophy of science, research methodologies in business and scientific literature related to a discipline.
Eligibility Criteria
As per the Admission Advertisement.
Rules & Regulations
As per University Policy
Program Structure
The proposed scheme is envisioned to pursue the learning objectives as mentioned earlier.
Existing Proposed
6 courses of 18 credit hours from the areas of specializations which are as under: –

  1. Management
  2. Finance
  3. Marketing
  4. Technology Management
2 Core Courses

  1. 1. Research Methodology and Technical Writing Skills
  2. Advance Data Analysis Techniques (Quantitative & Qualitative)

4 Elective Courses
4 from core disciplinary area
3 from core disciplinary area
1 from allied discipline, if required

List of Elective Courses

Program Structure

No. Description No. of courses Credit hours
1 Core Courses – credit course 2 6
2 Specialization Courses OR
3 specialization courses and one course
from allied discipline
4 12
3 Comprehensive Exam    
4 Thesis   36
  Total Credit hours   54

PhD Courses
S.No Code Title
1 MGT801 International Entrepreneurship
2 MGT802 Industrial Relations
3 MGT803 Advance Research in Leadership
4 MGT804 Research in Change and Innovation Management
5 MGT805 Advanced Academic Writing
6 MGT806 Occupational Health and Psychology
7 MGT807 Research in Public Sector & Non-Profit Organizations
8 MGT808 International Management and Organizations
9 MGT809 Social Issues in Management
10 MGT810 Current Topics in Organizational Behavior
11 MGT811 Diversity Management
12 MGT812 Research in Career Management
13 MGT813 Qualitative Research Methods in Management
14 MGT814 Reading, Doing and publishing Research in OB
15 MGT815 Group Dynamics
16 MGT816 Dark Side of Organizational Behavior
17 MGT817 Research in Strategic Management
18 MGT-818 Philosophy of Management Science

Specialization of Finance

PhD Courses
S.No Code Title
1 FIN801 Derivatives
2 FIN802 Advanced Entrepreneurial Finance
3 FIN803 Investment Analysis
4 FIN804 Cases in Finance
5 FIN805 Mergers and Acquisitions
6 FIN806 Financial Engineering
7 FIN807 Enterprise Risk Management
8 FIN808 Real Estate Investment
9 FIN809 Issues in Financial Reporting
10 FIN810 Advanced Finance Theory
11 FIN811 Research Methods in Finance
12 FIN812 Advances in Behavioral Finance
13 FIN813 Quantitative Corporate Finance
14 FIN814 Empirical Methods in Asset Pricing
15 FIN815 Financial Economics
16 FIN816 Financial Crises and Economics of Depression

Specialization of Marketing

PhD Courses
S.No Code Title
1 MKT801 Research in Advertising
2 MKT802 Advanced Entrepreneurial Marketing
3 MKT803 Advanced Strategic Marketing
4 MKT804 Product Strategy & Management
5 MKT805 International Marketing
7 MKT806 Advanced Research Skills in Marketing
8 MKT807 Advanced Social Marketing
9 MKT808 Advances Customer Relationship Marketing

Specialization of Technology Management 

PhD Courses
S.No Code Title
1 TM801 Management of technological change and innovation
2 TM802   Enterprise resource planning and management
3 TM803   Data warehousing and Management
4 TM804   Advanced System Development Management
5 TM805 Managing Intellectual Capital
6 TM806 System Security Management
7 TM807   Management of new/emerging technologies
8 TM808 Information technology and supply chain management
9 TM809 Information technology and customer relationship management
10 TM810 E-Commerce
11 TM811 Strategic Information system

Courses description for PhD level courses, under suggested revised course stream:

Course Title Research Methodology and Technical Writing Skills Course Code MGT 819
    Level: PhD
Course Description The course is designed to develop/enhance two important skills of a scholar enrolled in a PhD program i.e., how to design and conduct research at a higher level and how to write scholarly.  In line with the title of the course, the course will be designed and executed in two separate but related components.  The first part will inform the students about how to develop a research design while considering various research orientations e.g., deductive and inductive.  The second part will give a hands-on experience on how to write consciously as a research output.
Course Content Research Methodology

  1. Philosophy of science & Research
  2. The selection of a research approach
  3. Doing a literature review
  4. Designing Research
  5. Qualitative Method
  6. Quantitative Methods

Technical Writing Skills

  1. Why writes your research
  2. Writing MS/PhD Thesis
    1. Theoretical
    2. Empirical
  3. Writing a journal article
    1. Theoretical
    2. Empirical
  4. Common Issues
  5. Contents of a Thesis/Article
    1. Introduction
    2. Problem Definition
    3. Articulate study significance
    4. Literature review
    5. Methodology
    6. Finding
    7. Discussion
    8. Conclusion
    9. References – guidelines for good academic referencing
    10. Appendices
Suggested Literature Recommended Textbooks and Journals Articles for Research Methodology:

Amy C. Edmondson and Stacy E. Mcmanu (2007), Methodological Fit In Management Field Research, Academy of Management Review, Vol. 32, No. 4, 1155–1179.
Creswell W. John (2014). Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed Methods Approaches (4th edition). SAGE Publications
Easterby-Smith, Thorpe and Jackson (2017) Management Research, 3 editions, SAGE, UK
Guba G. Egon (1990) The Alternative Paradigm Dialogue, The Paradigm Dialogue, edited by Guba G. Egon, SAGE Publications
KING, KEOHANE & VERBA (1996), Designing Social Inquiry, Princeton University Press
Williams, Maclcolm and May, Tim (1996) Introduction to the philosophy of social research, London, University College London

Recommended Textbooks and Journals Articles for Scientific Writing Skills:

Alvesson Mats and Sandberg Jorgen (2011) Generating Research Questions Through Problematization Academy of Management Review 36:2 (247-271)
American Journal Experts (2012) Verb Tense in Scientific Manuscript
Booth C. Wayne, Colomb G. Cregory and Williams M. Joseph (2008) The Craft of Research The University of Chicago Press, Chicago
Golden-Biddle Karen and Locke Karen (2007) Composing Qualitative Research SAGE Publications
Harzing, A.W. (2002) Are our referencing errors undermining our scholarship and credibility? The case of expatriate failure rates, Journal of Organizational Behavior, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 127-148.
Pansiri Jaloni (2009) Evolution of doctoral thesis research topic and methodology: A personal experience Tourism Management 30, 83-89
Ridley Diana (2012) The Literature Review: A Step by Step Guide for Students SAGE Publications
Yuksel A. (2003) Writing publishable papers Tourism Management 24, 437-446

Course Title Advanced Data Analysis Techniques Course Code MGT 820
    Level: PhD

Course Description
Data is the new oil – the slogan, if suggests shift of the businesses towards more non-materialized business models also informs us about the future skill sets business graduates would be in need. In order to cater this increasingly visible need, this course is designed.
This course comprises two major components i.e., data analysis techniques in qualitative and quantitative research. The first part, quantitative data analysis techniques will focus on the measurement of economic relationships. The models, formulas, and algorithms will be used in making a good and rational decision in the area of marketing, finance, and human resource management. The second part, qualitative data analysis, will enable the students to draw meanings from the words by re-phrasing, re-interpreting and re-organizing these words. Software will be important part of this course.

Course Content
Advanced Quantitative Data Analysis Techniques

  1. Correlation versus Regression
  2. E-Views activities of application of steps of regression analysis
  3. Assumptions of Classical Linear Regression Model
  4. Hypotheses Testing
  5. One tail vs 2-tail t tests with examples
  6. E-Views activities of hypotheses Testing
  7. Multicollinearity
  8. Heteroscedasticity
  9. Panel Data Analysis
  10. Modelling of Volatility clustering (ARCH, GARCH, EGARCH, TARCH)
  11. The Linear Probability Model
  12. The binomial Logit Model
  13. Probit Model
  14. Tobit Model
  15. Time Series Models
  16. Unit Root Investigation
  17. Co-integration
  18. Vector Error Correction
  19. Granger Causality Test
  20. Impulse Response Functions
  21. Variance Decomposition

Advanced Qualitative Data Analysis Techniques

  1. Fundamentals of Qualitative Data Analysis
  2. Designing Matrix and Network Displays
  3. Methods of Exploring
  4. Methods of Describing
  5. Methods of Ordering
  6. Methods of Explaining
  7. Methods of Predicting
  8. Drawing and Verifying Conclusions
Recommended textbooks “Using Econometrics, A Practical Guide” 5th Edition, by A.H Studenmund, published by Pearson Addison Wesley
Miles, M. B. (2018). Qualitative data analysis: A methods sourcebook. Sage publications.